We do not classify our products as medical devices. Our products are recommended for laboratory professional use only.

Hamilton, UK

Product range: microsyringe for gas/liquid handling
Micro-syringe with removable needle, fully autoclavable, to be used for gas handling or liquid handling.
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Product Information

Item Code
700 series – Gas
Micro-syringe, gas handling, autoclavable, removable needle, sizes: 10/25/50/100/250/500μl
1700 series – Gas
Micro-syringe, gas handling, autoclavable, cemented needle, sizes: 10/25/50/100/250μl
700 series – Liquid – removable
Micro-syringe, liquid handling, autoclavable, removable needle, sizes: 10/25/50/100/250/500μl
700 series – Liquid – cemented
Micro-syringe, liquid handling, autoclavable, cemented needle, sizes: 5/10/50/100μl
Syringe needle, beveled, non-coring, SWG 22s / 26s, metal hub (N)
Syringe needle, blunt, SWG 22s, metal hub (N)